From packing your gear to creating epic final images, I’ve included everything you need to get started today!
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everything you need to get started today
“Man this was just what I needed. I was able to focus my photography using what’s included, learn how to get the most from my gear and software, and create the first image that I’m really proud of! Thank you!!”
- Blake L.
“I’ve totally changed my process thanks to this incredibly good value “toolbox”. My gear is more streamlined, my editing isn’t taking as long, and I’m producing much better images. Epic stuff!”
- Alex T.
“Wow! A huge collection of goodies that has lit a fire under my ___. I was way overwhelmed by Photoshop and Lightroom but the tools in this package have really helped me. I use something in here on almost any image!!”
- Carly S.
You’ve been struggling to get started with the gear you spent real money on.
You’ve tried other presets and tools but they didn’t help you.
You get stuck when editing your images and you don’t love the results.
"Whether you are just getting started or you’ve been shooting for a while, I wanted to deliver a collection of guides and tools that will jump start your process, both in the field, and when you are editing. I really hope to help you improve your own process with my Landscape Photography Toolbox! Enjoy!"
More customizable than presets, my Game-Changing Workflow Photoshop Actions will help you make changes to your images in seconds. Corrections, creative choices, and tweaks in just one click.
16 of the most common corrections all landscape photographers make are now possible in just a few clicks using these powerful Adobe Camera Raw brush presets.
Planning isn’t sexy, but it is a really important part of making sure you can get the shot you want when it happens. My gear guide is all about sharing my years of in the field experience with you so you don’t make the same mistakes I did!
Whether you are trying to improve a sky, recover details in the shadows, increase impact in your foreground, and many other common problem-solving workflows, my Lightroom Brush Presets will take all the pressure off!
Get a collection of my RAW files to get familiar with all the tools included in my toolbox!
In this BONUS course, Will explains why and why not he uses certain gear, showcasing examples images and valuable considerations for you to take on board.
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From packing your gear to creating epic final images, I’ve included everything you need to get started today!